About Us

The Keystone Research Center was created in 1995 to broaden public discussion on strategies to achieve a more prosperous and equitable Pennsylvania economy.

The Keystone Research Center conducts original research, produces reports, and promotes public dialogue to address important economic and civic problems, proposes new policies to help resolve those problems, and engages in strategic communications, advocacy, and coalition building to advance those policies.

Established in 1996, Keystone operates through the collaborative efforts of Pennsylvania citizens drawn from academia, labor, religious, and business organizations. Rather than simply outlining Pennsylvania’s problems, the Keystone Research Center is dedicated to using research and collaboration to propose workable policy alternatives.

Since its creation, Keystone Research Center has become a leading source of independent analysis of Pennsylvania’s economy and public policy.

From 2007 to mid-2023, KRC launched, housed, and grew the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (PBPC), a nonpartisan, statewide policy project that provided independent, credible analysis of state tax, budget, and related policy matters with attention to the impact of policy proposals on working individuals and families. PBPC was part of a national network of similar organizations that constitute the State Priorities Partnership. PBPC also led the creation within KRC of the We The People-Pennsylvania campaign. Effective June 1, 2023, Pennsylvania’s State Priorities Partnership became an independent non-profit organization, Pennsylvania Policy Center. In 2023 and 2024 KRC will modify its website to reflect this change while ensuring that PBPC’s body of high-quality research completed as a project of KRC remains publicly accessible.