A Victory for the Health of America: Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act Subsidies in All States

Stephen Herzenberg |

The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 that President Obama’s health care law may provide tax subsidies to help poor and middle-class people buy health insurance in states that rely on the federal health-care exchange (where people can shop for health insurance), according to the

The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 that President Obama’s health care law may provide tax subsidies to help poor and middle-class people buy health insurance in states that rely on the federal health-care exchange (where people can shop for health insurance), according to the New York Times.

This decision is a victory for the health of our country. Millions of families across the nation can have peace of mind that the federal subsidies that make it possible for them to afford health insurance will remain in place. Nationwide, about 85 percent of customers using the exchanges qualify for income-based subsidies to help pay for their health coverage.

Roughly three-dozen states did not set up their own health-care exchange, including Pennsylvania. While Gov. Wolf had begun to make contingency plans to establish a Pennsylvania exchange if necessary, according to Twitter feeds, Pennsylvania will now continue to rely on the federal exchange for the foreseeable future.

