ANALYSIS: Governor Wolf’s Proposed 2020-21 State Budget

Marc Stier & Diana Polson |

The Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center’s analysis of Governor Tom Wolf’s proposed state budget for FY2020-21 will be presented as a webinar at 9 am this Monday, March 23. The presenters will be PBPC director, Marc Stier, and PBPC’s senior policy analyst, Diana Polson, along with Stephen Herzenberg, the executive director of the Keystone Research Center. In addition to providing an overview of the governor’s budget proposal, the webinar will also include some of PBPC’s ideas about how PA should be responding to the coronavirus pandemic and how the state budget may need to be adjusted in light of a recession that seems imminent. You can read PBPC’s COVID-19 proposed action plan “The Moral Equivalent of Wartime Equality: Public Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Pennsylvania.”