Some Details Emerge on 2011-12 Pa. Budget Deal


Some details emerged Monday on the 2011-12 state budget deal recently reached by Pennsylvania’s legislative leaders and Governor Tom Corbett.

Much like earlier proposals, this budget plan includes deep cuts to education, health care and other cost-effective local services, while leaving much of a $550 million revenue surplus untouched.

Some details emerged Monday on the 2011-12 state budget deal recently reached by Pennsylvania’s legislative leaders and Governor Tom Corbett.

Much like earlier proposals, this budget plan includes deep cuts to education, health care and other cost-effective local services, while leaving much of a $550 million revenue surplus untouched.

The agreement, which will be voted on by state lawmakers in the coming days, cuts the current state budget by nearly $1.2 billion, setting spending at $27.149 billion for the 2011-12 fiscal year, according to budget speadsheets released by legislative leaders Monday. The new fiscal year begins on Friday, July 1.

The Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (PBPC) is reviewing the line-by-line funding details now and will have a more detailed overview later today, which we will share on Third and State as well as the PBPC web site.

Also, take a moment to learn how you can take action for a more responsible state budget with the Better Choices for Pennsylvania Coalition.
